YKK AP Indonesia Held Distributor Gathering 2023 in Jakarta

On 29 May 2023, PT YKK AP Indonesia held a Distributor Gathering event. The event took place in Jakarta at Hotel Mulia and welcomed more than 150 people from our distributors. Basically, the goal of Distributor Gathering is to encourage stronger collaboration between YKK API and its distributors.
The highlight of the event is to engage in sharing strategies to navigate the competitive market landscape by 2023. We aim to ensure our ability to remain competitive in the midst of an increasingly intensive market. In addition, this event became an opportunity for YKK API to give awards to distributors who have shown outstanding performance and achievements.
We would like to express our sincere appreciation to all participants who participated and supported the YKK API. Your presence and support inspire us to continue to improve our business practices and product quality. Together, let’s fight for a brighter future!
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