YKK Group Indonesia Mendonasikan 200 Juta Rupiah ke Palu, Sulawesi Tengah

On 28th September 2018, Palu city in the central Sulawesi province suffered a large number of casualties due to a tsunami and earthquake M 7.4, where more than 2000 people lost their lives, more than 10,000 people injured. YKK Group Indonesia (YKK AP / YKK ZIPPER / YKK ZIPCO) donated 200 million rupiah to Palu through the Indonesian Red Cross on October 12th.
An enterprise is an important member of society, and as such, it must coexist with other elements of society. Its value will be recognized by the benefits it shares with society.
“No one prospers without he renders benefit to others.” This “Cycle of Goodness” goes on without end. The “Cycle of Goodness” is the corporate philosophy espoused by our founder Tadao Yoshida, and it expresses the fundamental stance of the YKK Group.
From now on, furthermore YKK group will continue to develop further with Indonesia in the future.
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